Soft Protective Helmets for those with Special Needs

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I want to find Equipment for my Special Needs Parent

Many people have visions of their parents living forever.  This is never the case as parents eventually age and may need some assistance in their later years.  Our helmets can prevent many of the injuries that could result from an older person falling.  It cushions the skull from damage, keeping your family members safe, even after they lose their balance.

Can I order Equipment for a Special Needs Patient in another country

We are able to ship your equipment for special needs to anywhere in the world.  This means that our helmets are not just limited to the United States, but are available to anyone in the world.  If you want to purchase a helmet to send to another location, simply call us at 800.710.9545 and we can handle the details.  We can also inform you of the delivery date, so you can make sure someone is home to receive your package.

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